Welcome to Beaute Eternelle blog. As a woman, I know what women want and require in their life. Here, I will share my knowledge with every woman who want to be young and pretty forever.

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Maria Galland


   Modelling Mask  - $148   

A must-have from Maria Galland and a source of the brand's reputation. Since 1962, our Modelling care has revolutionized beauty salon treatments. MODELLING MASK TREATMENT, MARIA GALLAND's classic, long-proven treatment based on a deep-acting, self-warming mineral mask, which is available in three variations: intense moisture, effective anti-ageing care and a regulating treatment for blemished skin. It not only offers a spectacular lifting effect but treats the highly diverse problems of each individual area of the skin.

Cleansed skin is first of all prepared with a concentrate for the sculpting massage before "problem solvers" tailored to individual needs are applied to specific areas. The thermal effect of the subsequent mask optimises the infusion of the active ingredients and ensures extraordinary results: the skin feels toned and firmed. The complexion glows and looks years younger.

    Thalaso Mask - $118    

Ideal for anyone who wants to stock up on pure well-being: THALASSO FACIAL CARE, the power course of treatment from the sea. An active ingredient ampoule specifically tailored to your skin type is applied to cleansed skin and can work to full effect under the cooling THALASSO MASK. At the same time, the effective algae mask cleanses the skin deep down and ensures highly concentrated, long-lasting hydration. Micro algae boost the metabolism and repair stressed skin. You experience a unique feeling of invigorating freshness and beneficial relaxation. The skin is more toned and optimally moisturised. It is as if every trace of tiredness is wiped away - the perfect getaway break for the skin! 

    Cocoon Mask - $ 88   

Refreshment and relaxation are at the heart of this treatment, specially formulated for all skin types and available in a moisturizing, firming and anti-ageing formula. An expression of ultimate "softness and energy", Cocooning treatment combines a mixture of effleurage and kneading massaging strokes with the acupressure technique. It helps stimulate metabolism and fights against the harmful effects of stress on the cutaneous ageing process: drawn features, dull complexion. 

    Pureness - $ 98   

Ideal for preventing loss of radiance and muddy complexion, the Purifying treatment leaves the skin looking more luminous and even. Thanks to its precise selection of "purifying" products, - simultaneously non-aggressive, deep-cleansing, sebum-regulating and shine-controlling - the skin gradually regains its natural balance. Dead cells are eliminated, the pores tightened. Sebum production is regulated and excess sebum absorbed. Shiny skin is a thing of the past and complexion becomes resplendent with purity. 

Sunday, 14 October 2012



现代人都过着忙碌的生活, 除了工作, 还得兼顾家庭, 所以没多余时间为自己的皮肤做保养, 更别说到离家很远的美容院做护理了. 对她们来说时间就是金钱. 可是我们必须了解到皮肤是人体最大的器官, 皮肤一旦老化就会出现下垂, 缺水, 黑斑, 皱纹, 黑眼圈等等问题. 这些问题的出现不但影响整体形象, 也打击了个人自信试想如果有一间家庭式美容坊设在你家附近, 就算再忙碌也可以很方便的享有美容护理, 真是一举两得. 现今社会讲求的是效率, 以最短的时间完成最多的事情, 才是现代人迈向成功的步伐.

为了提供优质的环境给顾客, 我特地腾出一间房间, 把它打造成设备齐全的美容室. 柔和的灯光, 宽阔的空间, 一阵阵淡淡的柑橘香味, 加上一首首优美且放松心情的音乐, 简直像处身在大自然的怀抱里.

我所用的产品都是法国巴黎著名的品牌 - 马琍嘉兰. 因为马琍嘉兰是另类的护肤品牌, 更是卓越产品的意愿. 下一回会为大家更详细的介绍马琍嘉兰. 或者请游览以下网址.

地点: 位于三八旺, 大牌306. CANBERRA. 离地铁站只有7分钟路程. 居住在邻里的朋友们可要多留意, 因为三巴旺没有太多美容院, 也很难找到家庭式美容坊.

Is there any Home Based Beauty Salon near your house?

Have you ever visited the home based salon in your neighborhood? My answer is yes. In fact, my experience with the neighborhood home based hair salon was kinda good. It was very convenient because it was within walking distance from my house thus I can save few bulks from the transport and my precious time as well. Furthermore the services and skills were as good as the commercial salon because don’t forget that they also worked for the commercial salon for certain period of time. Furthermore some of the service charges were cheaper than the commercial salon.

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce my home based beauty services to everybody who live in Sembawang or North side. In order to have more privacy and generate a cozy yet relaxing environment for my clients, I especially converted one of my common room to a home based beauty salon. With the relaxing and pleasant moment, I believe my clients will be able to release whatever tension accumulated and gain an utmost benefit throughout the entire treatment.

I have selected the most famous brand from Paris- MARIA GALLAND as my products. The reason is MARIA GALLAND is the cult skincare products and always with the ambition of excellence. I will introduce more about MARIA GALLAND in next posting. Alternatively you may browse through the following website.

Location: Block 306, Canberra Road. (Located at Sembawang vicinity; 7 mins walking distance from Sembawang MRT Station.) For your information, I am the only home based beauty service provided in this area. 

Thursday, 11 October 2012


爱美是每个女人的事业, 更是我一生的事业.  我不止爱打扮自己, 也爱为别人打扮. 每次见到满脸痘痘, 黑斑, 或皱纹的人, 我都有一股冲动想要帮他们解决脸上的问题.

生长在亚洲国家的我一样被油性皮肤所困扰, 少年时期, 由于不当的处理导致脸上留下了不少不雅的痘印. 长大了难免对自己的痘印和毛孔粗大感到没自信. 所以一直都在寻找解决的方法. 我也试过上美容院接受治疗, 但效果不理想. 且美容师也没有分析我的皮肤和教导我如何真确的使用产品. 他们的目的是让顾客签更过的护理配套. 这样的做法正的很令人反感. 经过此不愉快的经历以后, 我决定做自己的美容师. 可是我到底该从何做起, 我是语文课毕业生, 对皮肤构造和护理的认识有限. 所以我上网找了些资料, 报读了瑞士专业美容文凭CIDESCO. 一边工作一边上课, 终算再两年后成功的毕业了. 现在的我对护肤的程序一点也不敢马虎, 脸上的问题也有了明显的改善人也自信多了.

起初只是顺应朋友的要求, 为他们做一些护理和产品推荐. 没想到一传十, 十传百, 人数越来越多, 就索性把行政的工作给辞了, 做个全职的美容治疗师. 在为顾客解决皮肤问题的当儿,也享有工作时间的自由. 这也是我梦寐以求的职业.